The world's first ecological elastic.
eco * fair * lovely

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions - Ingredients

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Questions and answers about ingredients

No. This vulcanisation accelerator is not used in the production of our natural rubber threads.
No. This vulcanisation accelerator is not used in the production of our natural rubber threads.
No. The protein is not used in the production of our natural rubber threads. An important note for our vegan customers.
No. Stearic acid is not used in the manufacture of our rubber threads.
Yes. Production without this vulcanisation accelerator would theoretically be possible from a minimum purchase quantity more than 20 tons.
No. Neither in the production of the cotton yarn nor in the processing of our rubber are optical brighteners used.
The rubber threads that are processed in our bands do not contain PAH.
No, our products do not contain any parabens.
Explanation: Parabens are chemical compounds that have special antibacterial and fungicidal properties.
They are generally used as preservatives, especially in the cosmetics industry, but have also been detected in conventional cotton.
We only use certified and tested organic cotton that does not contain parabens.